

單價: 面議
發(fā)貨期限: 自買家付款之日起 3 天內(nèi)發(fā)貨
所在地: 山東 濟南市
有效期至: 長期有效
最后更新: 2020-09-12 08:42
 可調(diào)計量范圍:0-150L/H Adjustable measuring range: 0-150L / H
最大壓力范圍:0.1-1.0MPa  Maximum pressure range: 0.1-1.0MPa
驅(qū)動方式:電機驅(qū)動  Drive mode: motor drive
控制方式:手動、自動控制(可接收4-20mA信號來調(diào)節(jié)流量)  Control mode: manual, automatic control (can receive 4-20mA signal to adjust the flow)
鑄鋁殼體,散熱性能高,整體重量輕,適用各種酸堿藥液,無毒無味。  Cast aluminum shell, high heat dissipation performance, light weight, suitable for all kinds of acid-base chemicals, non-toxic and tasteless.
采用凸輪機構(gòu).整體上完全無泄露,可安置于藥槽或管道上。  Using cam mechanism. There is no leakage on the whole, and it can be placed on the medicine tank or pipeline.
Standard configuration: pump head PVC, motor 380V, frequency 50HZ
Custom configuration: pump heads SUS304, 316, PTFE, motors 220V, 110V, 24V, not equipped with explosion-proof
and variable frequency motors
性能參數(shù) Performance parameter

                尺寸單位: mm  
                size Unit:  
型號 流量 L/H 壓力M/pa 行程 泵速 min-1 膜片規(guī)格 電機功率/W 進出口徑聯(lián)接方式 重 量/KG
      stroke       Inlet and outlet  connection mode  
Model Flow L/H Pressure /Mpa mm Pump speed min-1 Diaphragm size Motor Power/W   PE   weight/KG
GW20/1.0 20 1.0 3.0 102 ¤65 40 6x¤15 PE軟管卡套 5
GW30/0.8 30 0.8 3.0 128
GW50/0.6 50 0.6 4.0 96
GW70/0.5 70 0.5 5.0 96 60 DN15 接管套膠接
GW90/0.4 90 0.5 5.0 135 ¤84
GW100/0.4 100 0.4 5.0 135 90 10
GW120/0.1 120 0.4 5.0 150
GW150/0.1 130 0.1 5.0 180
※60~130L/H 可選配10x¤14PE軟管卡套。              
60 ~ 130L / H optional 10x¤14PE hose ferrule.              
Optional gear motor; voltage 380V, 220V; DC gear motor can be equipped; voltage 12V, 24V        
It is used for precise measurement and quantitative increase of various chemicals, and is widely used in various industrial occasions: 
such as sewage treatment, petrochemical, food and beverage, pharmaceutical, papermaking, laboratory and electronics industries.
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