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          • 暫無(wú)分類
          • 暫無(wú)鏈接
          單價(jià): 面議
          發(fā)貨期限: 自買家付款之日起 3 天內(nèi)發(fā)貨
          有效期至: 長(zhǎng)期有效
          最后更新: 2020-09-12 08:42
           產(chǎn)品介紹 product description
          流量范圍:600~2800L/H    Flow range: 600 ~ 2800L / H
          壓力范圍: 1.0~0.1MPA Pressure range: 1.0 ~ 0.1MPA
          電機(jī)功率: 220V / 380V / 110V / 50/60Hz Motor power: 220V / 380V / 110V / 50 / 60Hz
          驅(qū)動(dòng)系統(tǒng): 兩相、三相標(biāo)準(zhǔn)電機(jī)或防爆電機(jī) Drive system: two-phase, three-phase standard motor or explosion-proof motor
          防護(hù)等級(jí): IP55, IP54, Protection level: IP55, IP54,
          Working condition
          環(huán)境溫度: -30℃ --- 80℃
          Ambient temperature: -30 ℃ --- 80 ℃
          2、采用偏心曲軸機(jī)構(gòu),徑向滑運(yùn)調(diào)節(jié)流量。 1. Cast aluminum shell, high heat dissipation performance, light weight, suitable for all kinds of acid-base chemicals, non-toxic and tasteless.
          3、接觸介質(zhì)泵頭為PVC、可選PTFE、及不銹鋼材質(zhì)。 2. Adopt eccentric crankshaft mechanism, adjust flow by radial sliding.
          4、性價(jià)比高,它可以傳輸中等粘度介質(zhì),腐蝕性液體和危險(xiǎn)性的化學(xué)品。 3. The contact media pump head is PVC, optional PTFE, and stainless steel.
          5、在泵運(yùn)行或停止時(shí)也可任意調(diào)節(jié)流量也可定量輸出。 4. High cost performance, it can transmit medium viscosity medium, corrosive liquid and dangerous chemicals.
          5. When the pump is running or stopped, the flow can also be adjusted arbitrarily and the output can be quantitative.

                        尺寸單位: mm  
                        size Unit:  
          型號(hào) 流量 L/H 壓力/Mpa 泵速/min-1 膜片規(guī)格 電機(jī)功率KW 進(jìn)出口徑聯(lián)接方式 重 量/KG
                      Inlet and outlet diameter connection mode  
          Model Flow L/H Pressure/Mpa Pump speed/min-1 Diaphragm size Motor Power/KW PVC PVDF SUS304/316 weight/KG
          GB600/0.7 600 0.7 96 145 0.75 DN32          DN32   Rc1″           內(nèi)螺紋 22
          GB700/0.7 700 0.7 144
          GB800/0.7 800 0.7 144
          GB900/0.7 900 0.7 144
          GB1000/0.5 1000 0.5 144 40
          GB1200/0.4 1200 0.4 144 185 1.5 DN40  Rc11/2″       內(nèi)螺紋
          GB1500/0.4 1500 0.4 188 DN40         
          GB1800/0.3 1800 0.3 188
          GB2000/0.3 2000 0.3 188 50
          GB2500/0.2 2500 0.2 144
          GB2800/0.1 2800 0.1 144
          泵頭 隔膜 球閥 閥座O形圈 藥品類
          Pump head Diaphragm Ball valve Seat O-ring
          PVC PTFE/EPDM 陶瓷Ceramic PTFE/EPM 次亞氯酸鈉、PAC、硫酸、尿素、磷酸、消泡劑、      
          Sodium hypochlorite, PAC, sulfuric acid, urea, phosphoric acid, antifoam,
          Aluminum sulfate, ferrous chloride, hydrochloric acid, aluminum chloride, calcium chloride, etc.
          SUS304/316 SUS304/316 EPDM 凝集劑、阿摩尼亞水、聯(lián)氨、燒堿        
          PTFE Agglutinating agent, Ammonian water, hydrazine, caustic soda
          0條  相關(guān)評(píng)論
          管理入口| 返回頂部 ©2024 濟(jì)南潤(rùn)偉自動(dòng)化有限公司 版權(quán)所有   技術(shù)支持:電氣采購(gòu)網(wǎng)   訪問(wèn)量:1760  
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